Posts in at Life Without School and Carnival of Homeschooling!
I have two posts up this week.
The first is over at Life Without School and is called Who's In Charge. All about my take on child-led learning and why it seems to be such a touchy issue.
It seems that the biggest worry that people have about "child-led" learning comes from the belief that the parent has no input and that the kids are in complete control and only do what they want to do. Which, according to the critics, will lead to sheltered children who can not function in the "real world". These children will have no experience in dealing with the fact that they can not always do what they want and sometimes need to do things they do not want to do. Not to mention that kids are kids and thus less experienced then adults and do not know or understand everything that they need to know.
What it seems to come down to, is that people want to know who's "in charge". Is it the kids? Or is it the parents?
And the 52nd Carnival of Homeschooling A Year and a Day is up! Rebecca of What Did You Do In School Today did a great job pulling together a wealth of great blog posts from all over. Lots of great reading…so check it out!