Happy Holidays!
Hope that everyone had a very happy holiday! After struggling to get into the "spirit of the season" this December, it finally felt like Christmas this weekend. It was nice having Jeff home (Christmas should always fall on a weekend!) and it was fun to have basically everything done and to be able to focus on the boys.
We had a very fun Christmas eve. The boys and I opened a Christmas eve present…the boys got mega blocks dragons and I got my new lens! Jeff had gotten me a new DSLR camera (a Canon EOS 30D) for our anniversary back in October, thinking that the lenses we had would work. They did not and I had not had enough time to look into what lens to get, so he got me one for Christmas! Talk about a treat…this camera is so incredible. I am still figuring out how it works, but already I can see how much of an improvement this camera is over my old point and shoot (even though it is much bigger and heavier).
Mmmm…this snowman tastes good!
I had a lot of fun playing around with it, as did Jason. He found out that you can rapid fire pictures and loves it. He has a pretty good eye and right now just likes to play around with taking whatever and changing positions and viewpoints. Interesting to watch and I am very thankful that it is all digital! We took almost 200 pictures yesterday! Kyle got into the act as well, having fun with my point and shoot.
Jason tries a self-portrait.
We spent the rest of the day making rice krispie Christmas Wreaths (and discovered that neither kid really likes red hots if you can believe!) and making the last of the Christmas presents for family. Jeff made a yummy lasagna for Christmas eve dinner (and leftovers for Christmas day!) and we read Christmas stories before bed.
We managed to get the wrapping done and were able to get in bed at a decent time, which was good because the boys woke us up at around 8am. It was fun watching them open their presents and they were really happy with everything…especially since they each got a new Nintendo DS! They have wanted these since the spring and are so excited to finally have them.
The boys spent most of the day playing…enjoying the added dimension of having a stylus as well as being able to link and send messages and drawings back and forth. I spent a lot of the day playing around with my camera…figuring out how to download pictures and reading a bit more. Also trying to finish the family picture calendars that I make for the grandparents and still working on Christmas cards…getting there slowly but surely.
All in all a very nice day (the one down point was finding out at 4pm that the Starbucks had closed at 3pm…). We are off to visit my Mom up in Maryland tomorrow and then off for Ocean City on Thursday through New Years (the Elms' will be joining us down there as well).
Hope everyone else enjoyed their holiday!
Merry Christmas from our house to yours…