Let Summer Begin

The boys and I made it down (up?) to Ocean City and I finally feel ready to start summer.  Still lots of unpacking to do and stocking up the refrigerator, but we already made it to one of our favorite places, Anthony’s, for dinner and plan to hit another favorite, Laytons, for breakfast.

Not sure what we will try first (guess it depends on the weather, which from what I have heard has not been all that great). Jez and Ellie have been exploring the yard (I have lots of weeding to do!) and really like the dock. We’ll have to see if the cats keep me up all night like they have the past two years…they really do not like the car ride and take a little bit of time to adjust to the new place.

And in case you missed it before, you can read more about our past summers at the beach here.

Here’s to another great summer…


Cute Puppy Picture


Survived Our First Tent Camping Experience