Cute Puppy Picture
Jezabelle 2009
With a title like that you just had to look, right? Here is our Miss Jez out on our back deck…she really is too cute for words.
Wishing I had more hours in the day because I really want to play around in Photoshop more now that I have discovered actions. I am also realizing how much better my photos can be with even a little bit of post processing. I had decided that I would never post any photos if I worried about getting them “just right” with any kind of post processing so I did not worry about it. But am now starting to wonder if maybe I can find a middle ground and learn to do a little bit of editing. Nothing drastic or overly time consuming, but enough to make them pop a little more. I really like what changing to B&W and a bit of sharpening did for this photo.
Of course I am also intrigued by Lightroom as it looks like it can automate a lot and might not be as daunting nor overwhelming as learning Photoshop is for me. But I just imported my photos into iPhoto and part of what makes Lightroom neat is its photo organizing. Why do there have to be so many choices! Decisions, decisions…
Of course I could just distract myself by debating whether I really need to see a dentist down here about the front tooth I chipped yesterday. I really would rather not worry about it, but a piece just came off of a tooth that has been chipped since I was 10 years old and now I am worried that I will loose more of it. But I really don’t want to go see a strange dentist, especially if I have to get something done. Probably will though just so I can stop worrying about it…