Houses of Ocean City - Flowers Galore
Ocean City, Maryland | July 2010
I have a thing for photographing houses, especially older houses or unique, interesting houses. Luckily, here in Ocean City, there is no lack of houses of all shapes and sizes. I have collected a fair number of photographs of Ocean City houses over the years, so I decided to start pulling them into their own collection and posting them here.
This house is one of my favorites and I was excited to finally be able to get a picture of it in all it’s summer glory. It makes me smile every time I drive by it.
The tricky thing about shooting houses in Ocean City is getting a clear shot of the house (without any cars parked in front). That and finding a place to park my car so I can get the shot. Having my bike down here has helped on that front. I have also done some shooting off season, but then you loose some of the “beach flavor.” Missing are the colorful drying towels and bathing suits hung over railings and the flying flags that are so prevalent during the summer. So I will include a mixture of both in season and off season shots.
I do know that there are some for whom Ocean City is a bit—for lack of a better word—tacky or touristy. But I find that after coming down here for over 10 years, that it has wonderful charm of its own. Tons to do. Tons to see. Tons to eat! A fantastic place to people watch. And I would not have it any other way.
I will be collecting these pictures in their own album over at my Smugmug account, so feel free to check it out. Hope you like them!