Winding Down
During a break in the rain.
Summer sure did end pretty much overnight. It had been nice slightly fall-ish weather last week, but then summer returned with temps in the 80s over the weekend. But then, boom, we woke up on Monday and it was overcast and chilly and rainy - and it has stayed that way ever since. Septembers are always a little bit unpredictable down here at the beach, but it usually stays nice a good bit into September. Of course, I did not pack too many “warm clothes” this year. Ah well.
Yesterday we got completely pummeled by a storm coming in off the Atlantic. The water level is the highest since Tropical Storm Ernesto a couple of years ago (usually the water is about a foot or so lower than the dock). The winds were pretty incredible this time around as well. Pretty cool actually.
We are going camping this weekend with some homeschool friends at Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware. Luckily the forecast is calling for warmer weather and no rain! Let’s hope that is true because I do not want to camp in weather like we have had this week. And yes, I have double and triple checked the tent poles.
We get back from camping on Monday and hope to return home to Virginia on Wednesday. I am definitely ready (especially after the weather this week!) and so are the boys. Their pottery class starts on Friday and Kyle has already missed his first soccer game. We are definitely looking forward to seeing our friends and getting back into the swing of things.
Fall really is my favorite time of year…I love the cooler weather and getting out the warmer clothes. I think being at the beach all summer helps in appreciating the transition even more. Plus, being away from our home for a couple of months usually results in me being inspired to straighten up and clean out. Definitely looking forward to that.
My thoughts go out to everyone on this day as well. Hard to believe that it has been 8 years. Jason was in preschool and Kyle was just a baby. That day was so surreal in so many ways.