What's On My Mind
Burlington, Vermont | August 2019
As I’m looking for a way back into regular blogging, I’m wondering if it is as simple as making time a couple of days a week to explore “what’s on my mind?” I know, not the most original question, but it’s a framing that makes the whole thing feel less daunting and more doable. Right now I could use a bit of “less daunting and more doable” when it comes to blogging so I’m going with it.
There is also an introspective appeal to it for me. As an Enneagram Type 9, there is an element of “self-forgetting” to my personality. It is extremely easy to get caught up in (and distracted by) the day-to-day experiences that come with living life. I’ve described it as feeling as if I am a twig caught up in the currents of a stream. I’ve been lucky in that those currents have often taken me to good places, places that I was meant to be. Yet lately I have been wondering if maybe it is possible to bring more intentionality to my life and not leave as much up to what feels like the whims of fate.
So the idea of checking in regularly to see what is “on my mind” feels like a way to hit that sweet spot for me. One which honors my resistance when it comes to planning yet also feels more intentional than leaving it up to simply hoping that I will magically find time to blog. Especially if I can resist the urge to overthink the whole process.
As I have said many, many times before, we will see how this plays out. Ultimately that is all that we can do, right?