We are off to Homeschool Camp!

We are off! We are heading about an hour north outside of Frederick, MD to Rhubarb Jam's Homeschool camp. It looks to be a lot of fun (we have never been before, but are going with the Wilkinsons, our homeschool friends from Ocean City).

We will be in heated dorms with electricity but it is in a state park and we will have lots to do. The families are responsible on their own for breakfast and lunch and then we share making dinners. Each family comes up with fun activities as well.

Wish us luck! And you won't be hearing from me probably until later this week as I will not …gasp!… have internet access! So it will be quiet here on Throwing Marshmallows for a few days, but please know that the boys and I are having a blast (poor Jeff has that pesky thing known as a company to run so he can't come). But hopefully I will have some great pictures and some great stories to tell when we get home!


My Grandmother


Answers to all those pesky homeschooling questions we get