Time to Change

Well, those of you who are not reading this blog via email or a blog reader have probably already noticed that I have changed my blog theme. I was feeling the need for a change and decided to check this one out when Andrea posted about a new 3 column theme.

The picture in the header is one of my own…a picture off the back dock of our place in Ocean City (where we are headed in only 3 days!) I am not really thrilled about the way it was cropped (I would have liked to keep a little bit more of the chairs) but I think that it works. Here is the entire uncropped picture (yes, I am very lucky and can't wait to get down there).


I took this picture back in January right after I had gotten my new camera. We were just getting ready to go home after spending New Years at the beach when I noticed the awesome light. It was cool, but not cold. Very crisp and clear. I took several pictures, experimenting with how to compose the picture. I like how this one turned out. I feel more relaxed just by looking at it.

I think that I am going to like this theme…It makes it easy to change the picture if I get bored…I can also play around with the colors as well. I do wish that it had a place for a tagline so I could have the Throwing Marshmallows quote a bit more prominent. But this seems to have a clean look to it (although the font seems a bit small). Let me know what you think.

I have been playing around with the sidebars a bit and realized that I really need to find time to update my blogroll. I did find a nice VT Ribbon that I like and Silvia had a link to a great countdown widget. So I now have a countdown going until the VaHomeschoolers Conference! (Which is also the same day as the release of the new Harry Potter book…) Ack! I can't believe that it is this close.

I am also noticing that this theme does some weird things with the placement of my photos…all photos are right justified and the captions don't line up with the pictures any more. I will have to look into that…

I hope to have time to post some pictures from the homeschool camp we just got back from…we had a blast but Jason and I seem to have picked up a cold which has been kicking my butt. So I have been trying to be good about getting enough sleep (obviously not tonight though!)

Better run and get some rest. Busy day tomorrow (today?) and only 3 more days until we head for the beach!

P.S. If there are any spelling typos in this, I will blame it on Andrea since the spell check is still not working…(sorry Andrea…couldn't resist giving you a hard time…like you don't have tons of other stuff on your plate right now!)


“I could never do that!”


Take My Advice