The Stinky Cheese Man and Other Fairly Stupid Tales
We just read this book by Jon Scieszka and the boys LOVED it. It can be hard to find one book that both boys want to listen to but they were both absolutely cracking up on this one. I think that we will have to pick up our own copy. It is really funny…great parodies of the classic fairy tales including The Princess and the Bowling Ball, The Really Ugly Duckling, Jack's Bean Problem and, of course, The Stinky Cheese Man. I have to say from my perspective, I really enjoyed reading it to them. And it led to what every homeschooling parent loves…a great conversation! We talked about what a parody was, what made these stories funny, what we liked about them. Not in a teachy sort of way, but in a comfortable, natural because we really enjoyed the book sort of way.
This all led to Jason telling his own parody, incorporating elements from the book and of course then Kyle wanted to tell his own as well. I wrote them down and told the boys that I would put them up on the blog tonight. Which led to us talking about what a blog is and who might be reading this. LOL! I think they really liked the idea that their stories would be read by others (even if it is only the grandparents!).
All in all a really fun afternoon. They were so excited and enthusiastic…it warms this homeschooling mom's heart. ;o)