Stopping Time…
I came across the Arrow of Time today and found it utterly fascinating! (HT: Photojojo) An Argentinian photographer, Diego Goldberg takes headshots of each member of his family on June 16th of every year. Starting in 1976 (just he and his wife) and continuing through 2007, it shows not only how his family grew, but how they aged as well.
Be sure to check out his three boys…each one has a year when they make the jump from looking like a "boy" to looking like a "man". I also got a kick out of how much his wife's hairstyle changed and how much his did not.
I guess as homeschoolers, this is something that we might want to think about…if our kids were in school, we could get the "school pictures" which would chronicle our kids as they grow. I think that there is something to be said about taking pictures in the same place each year…
I have accidentally done this a bit over the years:
2003 - 6 and 3 years old
I think that I want to do something a bit more consciously…I will have to think on that. I had hoped to take pictures at the end of every summer on our dock, but so far have only managed to remember to do it for two years…
2004 - 7 and 4 years old
2006 - 9 and 6 years old).
Two years sure does make a difference! And for the sake of full disclosure, I forgot to take the picture at the end of the summer so ended up taking it when we were down for Christmas!
I also have to remember to try to take the picture from the same angle…I think it would have a better effect…
Hope that you all enjoyed my walk down memory lane…which seems very appropriate since Kyle turned 8 years old today! Happy Birthday to my little guy (who is not so little any more!)