Settling In...
Ocean City, Maryland | July 4, 2010
Well, we made it to the beach. A bit later than usual as due to everything else that was going on. But we are here! Just in time for some absolutely gorgeous weather over the 4th and now an unusual heat wave. But we are at the beach!
It is weird getting down so close to the 4th as I feel as if we have not had much time to settle in. I am still unpacking and have found myself on a pretty big organizational kick. I am finding that corraling my stuff seems to make a big difference, so I have been hitting Bed, Bath and Beyond for bins and other organizational stuff. I only hope that it lasts (and that I can get everything back into its place!)
We have been having some problems with the internet connection (not sure if it is the internet or the wireless) but it has been driving me crazy. And my macbook has started acting a bit wonky with periods of my cursor jumping around all over the place. I never realized how much for granted I took my online stuff working without a problem (you don’t know what you’ve got until it is gone…)
I have also been working on getting the ants back under control. The non-toxic Terro ant baits work to keep them sort of manageable, but there are so many under the house, that it is like fighting a loosing battle. I need to find another option for around the house. And I need to figure out what to do about the HUGE weed that seems to want to take over the air conditioner…we have tried for years to get rid of it (completely dug deep down to the roots and I even let my father-in-law try some sort of weed killer while I was not looking) and it still keeps coming back. And now it has migrated over to the other side of the yard.
But hey, we are at the beach! Just did not want you to think that my life was all peaches and cream. Still need to deal with stuff, but being at the beach does seem to make it a little bit better, so I am not complaining. I do love it down here.
One of these days I will get back into a regular blogging schedule. I will! Until then…