
Over on the Digital Photography School flickr group, Darren proposed a "class assignment" on Alternative Composition. It can be amazing how much a different perspective can effect a photograph. Folks have been posting great examples of this and I thought that I would join in.

The best example I have of how changing the perspective of a shot can dramatically improve a photo is of a sundial that I took while on a field trip with the boys. I had just started playing around with trying to take shots from different angles (digital cameras are wonderful for this…you do not need to worry about "wasting" film).

The first shot I took was a pretty standard picture:


Not too exciting. The sundial gets lost in the back ground and there is really no focal point.

I then started playing around with different angles. I did not realize that I had captured this shot until I got it home and downloaded it:


I really love this shot and plan on printing and framing it when I get a chance.


Poor Kyle…


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