Our Trip to Blacksburg
Lane Stadium Blacksburg Virginia | October 2009 Photo by Joy Still
A couple of weekends ago, I decided that it was about time to take the boys to their first Virginia Tech football game (that they can remember anyways). OK, so it was way beyond time and we really should have done this awhile ago, but better late then never.
You can see that they both got into the Hokie Spirit. Kyle was already a huge Virginia Tech Hokie and football fan and loves to watch the games with me so he was in absolute heaven. Jason likes the Hokies but is not as much into football as Kyle is, so I was glad to see that he enjoyed it as well. After the first quarter, he said he was surprised that it had gone by as quickly as it had and that he thought that he could “survive” the rest of the game. Of course, pizza, popcorn, soda and foam fingers did not hurt much.
We met up with friends of ours that regularly tailgate at the home games and it was really fun to everyone again. We stayed at the tailgate until about 6pm - me, catching up with friends and the boys, playing touch football with the other kids. We drove around campus (I finally got to see the April 16th Memorial), then hit Backstreets (a pizza place that I used to frequent, oh so many years ago) and headed back to our hotel.
Kyle says that he wants to go to all the home games now. Jason says he is fine with once a year. I definitely want to try to make it at least an annual thing, if possible. The last time we had been down for a football game had been 10 years ago (for the Marching Virginians 25th Anniversary). Jason was 2 years old and I was pregnant with Kyle. Definitely won’t let 10 years go by before we make it down again.
Lane Stadium, Blacksburg, Virginia | October 1999