Much Better with Power
Snowpocolypse III - Annandale Virginia | February 2010
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that winter storms (even blizzards) are much more enjoyable with power and, especially, heat.
Yes, we thankfully managed to keep our power for the Snowpocolypse II (or III or whatever) and I am pleased to report that it was much more fun.
Looking south down our road
The snow started in the afternoon on Tuesday, getting heavier into the evening. We did a little bit of shoveling, but as before, it came down much harder overnight.
In the morning we were blanketed and the wind was howling. We could barely see back to our neighbor’s house. Quickly realized that it made no sense to even attempt to shovel. The wind seemed to diminish a bit around mid-afternoon so we spent some time shoveling out. I finally got out to take some pictures.
Our back porch
I have lots more photos from Snowpocolypse I, II, and III (but who is counting). I also pulled out some photos to show the timeline of the snow.
Rumor is that we are getting even more snow on Monday. Supposedly only a “light” snow of a few inches. Can’t we somehow arrange to send it to Vancouver? Seems like they need it way more than we do…