Look, quick!
Because there is no way that it will stay this way…
I finally got part of the boy's "game room" organized and cleaned up. I had decided before the summer that I desperately needed something to help me organize the books and other homeschool stuff that seemed to be slowly taking over the house. Now that summer was over and we were back home, it seemed the right time to tackle it.
The game room is on the main level of our house on the other side of the foyer from the family room and kitchen and is where the boys have their Wii and tv set up (also holds the 5 ft guinea pig cage). I t is also a major "catch all" room as well. Here is a picture of what it used to look like:
The Mess Before
So after 2 or so weeks, I finally finished. We also decided to move Jason's computer from the family room into this room (it is still in a public area). Take a look:
The Clean After
And there is still room for more books! Better look fast…because it won't stay this way for long. And you will also notice that I am not posting pictures of other rooms in the house. They unfortunately do not look quite as nice as this one. And I still have a few things that were in this room that need a new home. But, hey, I take what I can.