On the Boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland | 2009
This past weekend, my friend Not June and her family visited us here at the beach. Although we love our summers down here, one thing that we definitely miss if our friends from back home. So we try to import a few throughout the summer.
The boys were thrilled to have their friends spend the weekend and I am happy to say that the house (and we adults) survived the energy that having five boys in an enclosed area can bring. Luckily we could not have asked for nicer weather. So we spent lots of time outside.
On the canal, bayside
We spent the day at the beach, avoided jelly fish, played out back on the float and kayaks, strolled the boardwalk, ate ice cream, won prizes at the Casino arcade and ate yummy food.
In the ocean.
Oh yeah…and we took lots of pictures (Not June is a photography nut too). Here is one of my favorites of Not June trying to catch up with the boys on the boardwalk…
We miss you guys already! But looking forward to camping in a couple of weeks. And now I have tons of new pictures to play with in Lightroom! If you want to see more, check out my gallery on Smugmug.