Beautiful fall day

Today was absolutely beautiful! Spent a lot of it raking and mowing the lawn. I actually do like doing yard work when I have the time (need to work on finding the time more!). It can be very zen for me and there is something satisfying about cleaning things up, be they weeds or leaves. Add to that the wonderful smell and sound of the crisp leaves and you have my favorite time of year.

I am bound and determined to stay on top of the leaves this year. We are on 1.3 acres with over 16 mature trees (one of the things that drew us to the place) so we get tons of leaves. They have only just started coming down, so today it was not too hard to get all of them. Thank goodness for our mulching mower (which we own along with 2 of our neighbors).

I am hoping that it does not cool down too quickly. We tend to only get a week or so of really nice fall weather before it gets cold. Looks like it should be nice all week…let's hope so!


Election day in Virginia


How Jason learned to read