A few changes around here
Burlington, Vermont | June 2021
Just spent the last month or so working on a yet another refresh to my space here. Squarespace rolled out a new platform that looks to have a lot of increased design flexibility. Unfortunately, they did not roll out a way to easily get my old content onto the new platform which meant that I had to cut & paste over 15 years of blog content. Amazingly, I have to admit that I enjoyed the process of going back into my decades old posts and impressed myself at being able to easily relocate most of my photos so I could re-upload them.
I have done a bit of reorganizing and updating the overall look and feel, hopefully making it easier to explore.
Another change is that, as of July, Google is discontinuing the email notification function of Feedburner which I used to allow people to subscribe to my posts. To replace this, I have started a free account over at Substack which will let folks continue to subscribe. I’ll be moving my current subscribers list over there shortly and I encourage you to sign up (which you can do so here).
Now that I’ve got all this squared away, my plan is to jump back into more regular writing. We just moved Kyle into his off-campus apartment this week so I am once again empty-nesting and thinking about how I want my days to unfold. More time for reading, writing and thinking is definitely on the list.
I enjoy having this blog as a place to record my thoughts and I hope you will enjoy it as well!