A Bit of Housekeeping


I have a confession to make. I've been indulging my left-brained, book lover geek side by reorganizing my book recommendation page. In truth I have been having way more fun with this than I probably should have and got a bit carried away.

I've broken the list into separate pages for different types of books - favorite fiction, non-fiction, adult and kid lit/young adult, favorite curriculum and learning resources, you name it.  I have expanded it from 1 page to 10! Squarespace gives me the capability to easily pull in the covers from Amazon (the affiliate code supports The Organization of Virginia Homeschoolers) which I think makes the pages a bit nicer than just a page of links.

I'm still adding books and playing around with it, but I figured I had to stop somewhere. So check it out...starting at the Book Recommendation page. 

If you are new here (it seems that my last post on homeschooling high school went a bit viral) please feel free to explore the archives. If you click on Explore in the menu, you will find a page with my most popular/favorite posts, a page where you can explore by topic as well as links to my favorite books and favorite quotes

I was also asked this week if it was possible to subscribe to Throwing Marshmallows via email, which made me realize that somewhere in all the tweaks I have made to the blog this functionality was lost. So I have restored it (and if you had been subscribed and wondered why all of a sudden you got an email with a listing of several posts, that explains it.)

If you want to subscribe via email, the link is in the footer all the way at the bottom of every page. You can also subscribe by clicking here.


Wordless Wednesday: Chicago Streetscape


Tips for Keeping "Homeschooling High School" in Perspective